Thursday, July 25, 2019

Human Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Human Development - Essay Example Physical changes can mark significant stress reactions that can lead to a variety of negative behaviors. It is during this period where the desire to find independence from caregivers is strongly on their consciousness, and the level of stress will either increase or decrease in relation to how their parental figures handle this new need for independence. More controlling families could lead the child to develop depressive symptoms while a liberating household might give them the freedoms they demand, therefore having minimal stress and stress reactions. Environment and the level of control placed over the youth during adolescence will determine whether or not this is a period of stress and storm. A highly controlling household acts as an impediment to perceived achievement, which is considered a strong factor in males that can lead to stronger emotional outbursts or negative stress response (Kort-Butler, 2009). In terms of finding self-identity, it is often the opinion of peers that dictate how a person views themselves and they consider the thoughts of people in various reference groups when molding their self-concept. Media can play a big part in the child’s viewpoint, such as with young females comparing themselves to beauty ideologies represented in many television commercials, and then finding dissatisfaction for not being able to attain these physical traits. Even though this is a distorted view, the outcomes on personal adolescent stress that is caused by reference groups can be quite negative. It is common for adolescents to go through what is referred to as a moratorium, where they have non-conformist attitudes and a strong rebellion toward parents, with peer groups considering their behaviors to be intense and outside of the social norm (Weiten & Lloyd, 2005). Youths that fit this profile often will not commit to parental moral values, or sometimes those of peers, and they find themselves (at least

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